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True Health Radiance Kundalini Yoga

Yoga for Exuberant Living!

Are You Ready for Radiance?

Kundalini Yoga Will

Energize your body!

Clear your mind!

Connect you with your Soul!

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Known as the yoga of awareness, Kundalini Yoga is a potent science & technology designed for the modern day householder who has the responsibility of work and family. It is designed to bring balance to your body & mind, while connecting you with your Inner Teacher.


Greater flexibility and mobility in your body is a perk that comes to you through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, but the focus is on YOU. This is about your own unique journey to your soul through your body & mind.


The Key Elements to Kundalini Yoga



Most people do not know how to breathe properly. We have been conditioned to take shallow and tense breaths, therefore limiting oxygen intake and storing carbon dioxide. Becoming aware of your breath will bring ease into your body, mental focus and emotional stability.


Rhythm & Movement

Movement keeps your joints fluid and your muscles strong, promoting wellness throughout your entire body. When you fall into the flow of conscious movement, it also strengthens the connection of your brain with your body, improving mental cognition!



There is a powerful purpose behind mantra in kundalini yoga. Using the repetition of sound breaks through mental barriers so you can find clarity. Mantra has the power to deliver to you confidence, projection, command and Truth.


Anybody can practice Kundalini Yoga. All you have to do is start where you are and you will begin to experience the benefits! It doesn’t matter what condition your body is in, kundalini yoga meets you where you are at, bringing ease to your body, clarity to your mind and connection with your Soul!


Come with me and experience the abundance of exuberant living!


Yoga Means Union

The word 'yoga' comes from the Sanskrit word 'yuj'. Meaning 'to unite' or 'to yoke'. So, with what are you uniting?


Truth, Wisdom, Light, the Divine, your True Self, the Creator, God, the Primal Sound, the Word, your Inner Teacher...


The word you choose is up to you. It makes no difference to anyone else. The importance is that it is YOUR union with YOUR Truth. Nobody owns the Truth. It is accessible to everyone and the Truth will literally set you free.


My role as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher is to hold the space for you to find YOUR Truth. While I share what I have discovered to be my Truth simply as a guide post to light the way for you, my Truth continues to grow as I grow and continue my mental, physical and spiritual journey through life. 

Your Potential Energy

Kundalini is your potential energy; your creative potential. It is traditionally symbolized by two snakes coiled at the base of your spine and its unlocked flow are symbolized by two snakes spiraling up your spine.


Most humans never access this energy for its flow is blocked when you are out of balance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.


Kundalini Yoga rebalances all parts of you by working on your energy centers, or chakras. When you unblock the flow of this powerful energy, your creative potential becomes available to you. Your potential energy is unlimited.


Are you ready to open the door to the abundance that awaits?


What to Expect


What to Bring

Your bare feet!

A lot of energy runs through your hands and feet. This is one of the reasons why touching the bare dirt is so healing.​ Simply removing your shoes and socks will allow more freedom to your precious energy, not to mention your toes!


Yoga mat or rug

Preferably you are sitting on natural fibers like cotton or wool. This is because artificial materials insulate you from the Earth's balancing energy. When you are grounded, you are more receptive and balanced.



It is important to promote an open heart center. When sitting cross legged or on the heels it can be helpful to prop your sit bones up so you can more easily keep your chest open and shoulders back, allowing for a more open energy channels.



You might want to cover up for deep relaxation, or even during some meditation. It is important that you are comfortable! A folded blanket can even be used in place of a cushion.



Important to the flow of energy is a conductive environment! This is created by hydration. You are, after all, mostly water!


Journal & pen

Setting an intention is important as it gives your unconscious psyche a focus. Writing it down provides a physical anchor of certainty. You may also be inspired to write down any insights you may receive from your meditation

I am currently looking for studio space in the Vancouver, Washington and surrounding areas.

If you are a studio owner or know a studio looking to add a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher to their family, contact me!

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